VITAL Climbing Gym

Design / Fabrication / Install | Prefinished Birch Plywood / Richlite / Linoleum

2019 - Bellingham, WA

VITAL Climbing Gym in Bellingham is our home town gym. It holds a special place in our hearts. Each of us found our way here to commune with the plastic, and each other at some point or another. So, having the opportunity to redesign the front desk and seating area was a delight. The goal was to reduce the possibility of countertop clutter, and add a more interesting seating arrangement with storage to the left side of the front desk. Pulling in a modern aesthetic, we created a dual tone look for the wall treatment, and angular geometric shapes for the desk and seating area. Our favorite feature is the integrated tablet into the wall for checking in (There isn’t a super great photo of it unfortunately). We love the new look.


makeworth market


painted leaf school