Okay, yeah we made a cutting board, too.


We have the feeling you’re wondering why we started making furniture…


We all know nobody ever reads these blurbs so we’re going to make this one as long and ramble-y as possible just so we can fill visual space without having to think of buzzy things to say and bore the heck out of you. Feel free to skip this reading nightmare and move right along to the pictures... We’re all just here for the pictures anyway. Right?

If for some reason you find yourself STILL reading this, here’s a little story about how we got started making furniture. Once upon a time, a couple people that live in Bellingham, WA, decided they didn’t like most ready-made furniture on the market, and all the fancy stuff is really expensive (because they weren’t loaded). So they were like. “We can make that…” Turns out. Furniture is harder to make than you think.

So it took time to refine the aesthetic, and a lot of money spent on tools to really say “man that’s a nice piece of furniture. I’d put that in my house…” But, by that time they had all the makings of a business. So, they said “Heck it. We like design. Let’s make the fancy furniture we couldn’t afford.” And here we are! Making fancy furniture, trying to be the least fancy we can be about it.


Hey there friend.

Now that you’ve seen the digs, give us a shout.

Say you looked through all those pieces and you’re thinking… “Dang, I sure do like their style. I sure wish they’d make me a piece of furniture…” Well you’re in gosh darn luck. We can ACTUALLY make you a piece of furniture. Just shoot us an email at or click the button below and tell us your thoughts… On furniture. If you got other thoughts - include those too, we like em’ all.